Thursday 15 September 2011

Wipe the slate clean???

  Correct me if I'm wrong but, is it not evident that the "Euro zone" is failing miserably. The euro is rapidly destroying the economies and living standards of the "weaker" member states. Greece, Portugal and Ireland have been forced into a downward spiral of austerity, which shows no sign of ever being able to resolve their economic problems.

  We have our own economic problems, but the recent 25% devaluation of the pound sterling plus control over our own interest rates will help us to overcome them. Euro zone countries have no such options. Now the spotlight of the bond markets has turned onto Spain and Italy. They are being propped up for now by the European Central Bank, but the Germans have made it clear that they will not support the major bail-out facility that the markets think is needed. Meanwhile EU leaders are preparing for a treaty change that will give them effective control over the budgets of the weaker states. Economic and Monetary Union will mean one EU economy and one economic policy, decided in Brussels. National Parliaments and Governments will not be able to influence these policies.
  Now as a Voter, I cannot recall having any say so over who sits in the big boys chairs in Brussels. Who the fuck are these people and why should we allow them to have any say over our lives. Democracy??? 
Few voters realise just how much the European Union controls our lives, and how remorselessly it is increasing its control, without any democratic debate, or effective opposition. We are no longer an independent country.

    UK Banks and Banks associated with the UK allegedly received £1.162 trillion, however many zeros that has, but never the less bank bailouts account for over 80% of of the Treasury's net assets. Please remember the Treasury's net assets are our Hard earned Taxes and National Insurance! 


What are are the solutions? Capitalism, surely a Human invention? But surely the essence of our value is not the money we earn/ have in the bank. Our intellect is our True value, some may call it the soul. Now I never proclaim to be an economist but if something Man Made is broken, as far as I can see we have two options (i) Attempt to repair it, and if that fails (ii) Throw it away and get a new one. Now as a Layman, as far as I can see we (as in they) have tried to repair the economy and it hasn't got any better, decidedly worse it seems.

So, can we not just write off all this nonsense and start again? Maybe we should take it back to basics and start a system of Bartering again. I'll swap my Cow for your magic beans etc...

Fuck your One World Order

Much love x

Thursday 1 September 2011

Or so I'm told x

Polemic is a form of dispute, wherein the main efforts of the disputing parties are aimed at establishing the superiority of their own points of view regarding an issue. Along with debate, polemic is one of the more common forms of dispute. Similar to debate, it is constrained by a definite thesis which serves as the subject of controversy. However, unlike debate, which may seek common ground between two parties, a polemic is intended to establish the supremacy of a single point of view by refuting an opposing point of view.
Polemic usually addresses serious matters of religious, philosophical, political, or scientific importance, and is often written to dispute or refute a widely accepted position.